New Online Teaching Resources Initiative
Dear AMCA members, We hope this email finds you safe and healthy during these unprecedented circumstances. As we prepare for the fall semester, AMCA has launched a new initiative. We are encouraging AMCA members to share syllabi for undergraduate and graduate courses for in person, online, or hybrid courses related to modern and contemporary art of the Arab world, Iran, and Turkey. Submitted syllabi will be housed on the AMCA website and will be open to the public. Many of us make use of open access online syllabi in our own courses, collecting new teaching methods, course material, and assignment rubrics. Through this initiative AMCA hopes to contribute to an already robust online resource with a particular focus on the modern and contemporary art of the region. Our teaching resource page will add to the repository of original source documents made available to students, faculty, and the public; we welcome suggestions for organizing pedagogical content on our website.
Syllabi can be emailed to and new syllabi will be collected and posted every month.