This section contains links to journals and on-line resources related to the study of art in the Arab world, Iran and Turkey.
Journals |
Links |
This page contains links to published journals related to the study of art in the Arab world, Iran and Turkey. This list is a work in progress and we look forward to additions from the community to make it a more comprehensive resource. To suggest additions/corrections/updates to this list, please send your suggestions to To jump to a specific category on this page, please click on the category title in the list below:
Journals and other Publications in the FieldArt journals and magazines dedicated to the visual arts of the Arab world, Iran and Turkey. ARTMargins A new print journal from MIT Press, ARTMargins will publish articles, essays, reviews, and interviews that critically reflect on Eastern European contemporary art and curatorship in an expanded context comprising Eurasia, North Africa, the Middle East, Latin America, and Central Asia. Art Territories An online platform initiated by Ursula Biemann and Shuruq Harb, it is dedicated to the interview format and bringing together artists, thinkers, researchers and curators to reflect on art practice and engage in critical exchange on matters of art and visual culture in the Middle East and Arab World. ArtDubai Journal This online journal seeks to employ a form of critique as a separate entity to the fair. By creating a critical awareness and dialogue this journal intends to achieve a level of awareness of the Middle East and its surrounding regions. African Arts Published quarterly by the James S. Coleman African Studies Center, University of California, Los Angeles and distributed by MIT Press Nka Journal of Contemporary African Art Published under the auspices of Africana Studies and Research Center at Cornell University. Rh+ Sanart, The Art Magazine of Turkey (Turkish, English) Review of Contemporary African Art — e-magazine Quarterly with commentaries and essays on contemporary African art Revue Noire Art MagazinesArtist Modern, (Turkish, English, German) Nafas Online magazine dedicated to contemporary art from the Maghreb to Southeast Asia, from Central Asia to the Middle East. Richly illustrated articles published monthly in Arabic, English and German. Archive of all contributions sorted by country or by category. BIDOUN Quarterly created as a platform for ideas and an open forum for exchange, dialogue and opinions about arts and culture from the Middle East Canvas On the art and culture from the Middle East and Arab world with accompanying guide offering global agenda of upcoming cultural events on Arab and Middle Eastern art Contemporary Practices – Visual Arts from the Middle East Quarterly Eastern Art Report An international magazine focusing on the arts of Asia and Africa and the arts practiced by the people of Asian and African origin in North America, Europe and elsewhere. Samandal A multilingual comics magazine based in Beirut, Lebanon. TAVOOS: Iranian Art General Art JournalsArt journals that occasionally cover art from the region. (Return to top.) Aprior Afterimage: The Journal of Media Arts and Cultural Criticism Afterall ARTFORUM The Art Newspaper Art History by the Association of Art Historians Cabinet- A Quarterly Magazine of Art and culture College Art Association’s The Art Bulletin & Art Journal Flash Art Frieze Magazine Fuse Magazine Parkett Springerin Third Text, Published by Routledge Of InterestJournals in this category focus on the region in general and occasionally cover art topics. (Return to top.) AL JADID (English) Quarterly featuring original articles along with many translations of essays and interviews on Arab literature and arts ARAMCO World Magazine A multicultural network of journalists from the Mediterranean region. International Journal of Intangible Heritage A refereed academic and professional journal for the cultural and heritage sectors. First published annually in May 2006, the Journal embraces theory and practice in relation to the study, preservation, interpretation and promotion of intangible heritage. Papers submitted by the end of October each year are refereed and considered by the Editorial Board at its Annual Meeting in January-February. The final selection of papers is published in May-June. However, papers submitted after October are saved and considered for the subsequent volume. Mizna Journal of Arab American Literature; organizes cultural events and art exhibitions. La pensée de midi (French) Literary journal. Qantara Published by Institut du Monde Arabe, Paris Academic JournalsJounals in this category cover areas of general academic interest in the region, occasionally covering art-related topics. (Return to top.) The Middle EastArab Studies Journal Published by scholars affiliated with the Center for Contemporary Arab Studies at Georgetown University and the Hagop Kevorkian Center for Near Eastern Studies at New York University . The Spring 2010 issue was a special theme issue devoted to “Visual Arts and Art Practices in the Middle East.” Bulletin for Centre for Arab & Islamic Studies, The Australian National University, Canberra Biannual The British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies Biannual journal published by The British Society for Middle Eastern Studies (BRISMES). BRISMES Newsletter Published three times a year with the aim to keep the members informed of developments in Middle Eastern Studies The Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Published on behalf of the School by Cambridge University Press. Cultural Studies Association E-Newsletter published by Indiana University. East Asia Journal: Studies in Material Culture An interdisciplinary approach to the study of material culture in East Asia — China, Japan and Korea — as well as the countries of the Southeast Asian region. The Forum A monthly newsletter for the Institute of Turkish Studies. Historians of Islamic Art Newsletter Published bi-annually as a forum for the exchange of news between members The International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics (MCP) The International Journal of Middle East Studies (IJMES) Quarterly published by Cambridge University Press under the auspices of the Middle East Studies Association of North America. Iranian Studies A peer-reviewed journal devoted to Iranian and Persian history, literature, and society, published on behalf of the Society for Iranian Studies . Its scope includes all areas of the world with a Persian or Iranian legacy, especially Iran, Afghanistan, Central Asia and the Caucasus, and northern India. It welcomes submissions in all disciplines. Published 5x per year. Jerusalem Quarterly Published by the Institute of Jerusalem Studies (IJS), an affiliate of the Institute for Palestine Studies. The journal is dedicated to providing scholarly articles on Jerusalem’s history and on the dynamics and trends currently shaping the city Journal of American Studies of Turkey Publishes work in English by scholars of any nationality on American literature, history, art, music, film, popular culture, institutions, politics, economics, geography and related subjects. The Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies Covers all aspects of Arabic and Islamic studies. The Journal is published on the Internet by the editors and cooperating institutions and on paper by Edinburgh University Press. Journal of the International Society for Iranian Studies Journal of Islamic Studies, Oxford University Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies Triannual journal published by Indiana University Press under the auspices of the Association for Middle East Women’s Studies (AMEWS). The Journal of Palestine Studies, Institute for Palestine Studies Published and distributed for the Institute by the University of California Press, Berkeley, the Journal is the only English language quarterly devoted exclusively to the study of Palestinian affairs and the Arab-Israeli conflict. Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies Published under the auspices of the Pakistan American Foundation, Villanova, Pennsylvania Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies Published under the auspices of the Pakistan American Foundation. A forum for scholars engaged in study of the modern Islamic and non-Islamic societies, covers a wide range of areas and disciplines. Four times per year. Libyan Studies Annual journal of record of the Society for Libyan Studies, appearing in November each year. The McGill Journal of Middle East Studies Published annually by the (undergraduate) Middle East Studies Students’ Association (MESSA) MESA Bulletin Bi-annual journal of review of the Middle East Studies Association Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication Published bi-annually to provides a transcultural academic sphere that engages Middle Eastern and Western scholars in a critical dialogue about culture, communication and politics in the Middle East. It also provides a forum for debate on the region’s encounters with modernity and the ways in which this is reshaping people’s everyday experiences. Eds. Lina Khatib, Tarik Sabry, Dina Matar, John L. Esposito. For more info contact: Dina Matar The Middle East Journal Published quarterly by the Middle East Institute The MIT Electronic Journal of Middle East Studies (MIT-EJMES) An internet-based journal published bi-annually. Book and media reviews are posted all year round Revue d’études palestiniennes Independently edited and produced by Institute for Palestine Studies, Paris. . Turkish Studies Association Journal (formerly, Turkish Studies Association Bulletin) Published semi-annually UCLA Journal of Middle Eastern Studies Yemen Update Online Electronic bulletin of Yemeni studies. Published once a year by the American Institute for Yemeni Studies (AIYS) PeopleFaculty and AdvisorsThe following list is featured as a service to graduate students who wish to locate faculty advisors who have done research in the field of Arab, Iranian, and/or Turkish visual arts. To request an addition to this list, please email your information to Additions to this list should include faculty position; department; department web address, if applicable; Ph.D. dissertation topic and year of submission; and areas of expertise and interest. Please note in your submission if you wish to have your email address posted on this list or not. Leila Abu-Lughod, Ph.D. Joseph L. Buttenwieser Professor of Social Science Columbia University Areas of Expertise and Interest: Gender studies and cultural studies of North Africa and the Middle East. Email: Shiva Balaghi, Ph.D. Areas of Expertise and Interest: Gender studies and cultural studies of the modern Middle East and modern and contemporary art of Iran and the Arab world. Cynthia Becker, Ph.D. Areas of Expertise and Interest: African Arts, specializing in the arts of the Imazighen (Berber) in northwestern Africa. Email: Hamid Dabashi, Ph.D. Areas of Expertise and Interest: art and cinema of Iran and the Middle East. Email: Jessica Gerschultz, Ph.D. Areas of Expertise and Interest: Modernism in Africa and the Middle East, Modernist Tapestry, the Decorative Arts, Gender and Materiality, Tunisia. Email: Talinn Grigor, Ph.D. Areas of Expertise and Interest: Modern and contemporary art and architecture of Iran. Email: Salah Hassan, Ph.D. Areas of Expertise and Interest: Global Studies in the Arts and Humanities and post-colonial studies Email: Pamela Karimi, Ph.D. Areas of Expertise and Interest: Modern and contemporary art and architecture of Iran Email: Adila Laïdi-Hanieh Areas of Expertise and Interest: Critical theory, ideology, post-colonial and globalization studies, politics in art, Arab intellectual history, Palestinian arts and culture. Email: Anneka Lenssen, Ph.D. Areas of Expertise and Interest: Modern art in Syria and the Middle East, historiography, comparative avant-gardes, cultural politics. Email: Sonja Mejcher-Atassi, PhD. Areas of Expertise and Interest: Modern Arabic literature and visual culture, especially in Lebanon and Iraq. Currently working on artists’ books as an alternative vision of our recent history. Email: Salwa Mikdadi Areas of Interest: Gender and politics in art, modern and contemporary art of the Arab world, Palestinian artists, museums and their visitors, art interpretation, Arab art institutions and support systems in art production. Email: Silvia Naef, Ph.D. Areas of Interest: Modern and contemporary art of the Arab world Email: Katarzyna Pieprzak, Ph.D. Areas of Expertise and Interest: Modernity and the Postcolonial African and Islamic world, Francophone African and Caribbean literature, Museums and the Narration of Culture, Visual Arts in North Africa, Literature from the French Banlieue Email: Nasser Rabbat, Ph.D. Areas of Expertise and Interest: Modern and contemporary art of the Arab world. Email: Dina A. Ramadan, Ph.D. Areas of Expertise and Interest: Modern Egyptian art, Arab intellectual and cultural history, aesthetics, education, contemporary cultural politics. E-mail: Khaled Ramadan, Ph.D. Areas of Expertise and Interest: Curator, video documentary maker and a lecturer in new media aesthetics. His fields of specialties are visual culture aesthetics, multi-media studies and the history of cross culture visual art and culture. Email: E-mail: Kishwar Rizvi, Ph.D. Areas of Expertise and Interest: Art and architecture of the Islamic world. Email: Sarah Rogers, Ph.D. Areas of Expertise and Interest: Modern Arab art and aesthetics Kirsten Scheid, Ph.D. Areas of Expertise and Interest: Contemporary Lebanese art, aesthetics, identity, modernism, gender studied through art works. Email: Alex Dika Seggerman, Ph.D. Areas of Expertise and Interest: Modern art and visual culture in Egypt, transnational networks of artistic exchange, classicism, nationalism, art and political upheaval. Email: Nada Shabout, Ph.D. Areas of Expertise and Interest: Arab and Islamic visual culture, contemporary Iraqi art, Cultural destruction and preservation, identity politics and art, Post-colonial and Feminist theory, aesthetics, modernism, Orientalism and globalization. Email: Tina Sherwell, Ph.D. Areas of Expertise and Interest: Art and material culture of Palestine. Email: Sarah-Neel Smith, Ph.D. Areas of Expertise and Interest: Art history of Turkey and the Middle East, 19th century to contemporary; Modernism in a global and comparative perspective; Orientalism and visual culture; Histories of internationalism and exhibiting Email: Carol Solomon, Ph.D. Areas of expertise and interest: Contemporary art of the Maghreb, Orientalism, Diaspora, and Globalization Email: Kiven Strohm, Ph.D. Areas of Expertise and Interest: Contemporary art and visual culture in Palestine/Israel and Middle East, aesthetics and politics, new materialisms, citizenship and social movements E-mail: Jessica Winegar, Ph.D. Areas of Expertise and Interest: visual and material culture, the culture industries, nationalism, neoliberalism, social class, gender, value, and the Middle East. Email:
This page contains links to on-line resources related to the study of art in the Arab world, Iran and Turkey. To suggest additions to this list, please send your suggestions to .To jump to a specific category on this page, please click on the category title in the list below:
Links to Arts of the Arab world, Iran and TurkeyFollowing are links to non-for-profit art institutions dedicated to the visual arts of the Arab world, Iran and Turkey as well as other selected art institutions that organize regular visual arts programs/ exhibitions or have a permanent on-line resource on art of the region. Akbank Art Center, Istanbul Organizes exhibitions, films, conferences, and other cultural events. Web site features short reviews of current and past exhibitions. Alexandria Contemporary Arts Forum (ACAF), Alexandria Organizes exhibitions and conferences on media and visual arts. Académie Libanaise des Beaux-Arts (ALBA), Beirut On-line gallery of art and information on the Academy’s program. altashkeely (in Arabic) Information of Kuwaiti artists, e-journal on Kuwait, Arab world and International Art Documents site-specific interventions and performances in Alexandria, Egypt, and includes collaborations with local art and architecture university students and recent graduates. The online component to the project functions as a translation that attempts to connect the Web and Web users to physical localities from disparate geographies and cultures. ALWAN for the Arts, New York Organizes visual art and cultural programs for Arab World and Iran. The Apartment Project, Istanbul An artist’s initiative space on Turkish art. Arab World Institute (Institut du Monde Arabe), Paris Changing exhibitions include contemporary art. Houses collection of contemporary art from the region. Arab American National Museum (AANM), Dearborn, MI AANM maintains a gallery dedicated to art by Arabs and Arab Americans. Arab Film Distribution, Seattle Distributes feature and documentary films by Arab, Iranian and Turkish filmmakers among others from Asia. The Arab Fund for Arts & Culture A private independent Arab initiative dedicated to empowering the Arab contemporary narrative through strategic cultural philanthropy. Arab Image Foundation, Beirut Promotes photography in the Middle East and North Africa by locating, collecting, and preserving the region’s photographic heritage. The collections available to the public at large in museum and gallery exhibitions and in published monographs. This is an on-going project to transfer the collection on-line. Art Dubai Organizes the Global Art Forum held in conjunction with Art Dubai Fair and The Abraaj Capital Art Prize for creative collaboration between international curators and artists working within the Middle East, North Africa and Southeast Asia (MENASA) region. This is a web portal dedicated to Lebanese Art. ArtSchool Palestine, London & Ramallah On-line resource of Palestinian visual art and film events includes articles and reviews as well as ArtSchool Palestine activities, which include art exhibitions, residency programs for Palestinian artists in the UK. ArteEast, New York Supports and promotes artists from the Middle East by featuring virtual exhibitions, screenings, a biennial film festival, a dynamic online gallery and a resource-rich website. Ashal Alwan, Beirut The Lebanese Association for Plastic Arts initiates and promotes critical artistic practices through exhibitions, publications, programs and the now established cultural event “Home Works: A Forum on Cultural Practices” organized every eighteen months. Ashal Alwan documents and maintains an archival record of the region’s contemporary intellectual and creative activity. E-newsletter Asia Society A global organization working to promote understanding among the people, leaders, and institutions of Asia and the United States. Programs include visual art exhibitions and film festivals. Asia Society and Museum, New York Atelier of Alexandria, Alexandria Hosts international, regional and local visual art events as well as a poetry, music, history lectures and seminars. The Atelier was the venue for the International Youth Salon. Its visual arts program includes residencies and international workshops. BM SUMA- Contemporary Art Center, Istanbul Center for alternative art, exhibits local, regional and international artists. Bahrain Arts Society, Bahrain Information on Bahraini artists. Beirut DC- Independent Filmmakers A regional and internationalnetworkof filmmakers, producers, distributors, film festival directors, film and video professionals. Producesnon-commercial Lebanese and Arab feature films and videos. PromotesArab cinema via workshops, the Ayam Beirut Al Cinema’iya film festival and touring of The Arab Film Week. Expandinga documentation center with books, videos and information on all subjects related to art and cinema, that is easily accessible to all. The Bibliotheca Alexandrina /The Plastic Arts program, Alexandria Organizes exhibitions, seminars, workshops and cultural activities related to the Mediterranean and African countries. Documents 20th Century Egyptian plastic arts movement. Birzeit University’s Ethnographic, Archeological & Art Collections View the University’s collection on-line. The Paltel Virtual Gallery, Palestine Birzeit University Virtual Gallery offers extensive archive on Palestinian contemporary art with a database on artists that includes interviews, articles and artist portfolios. The web site includes preview of past and current exhibitions, full length presentations at conferences, and an on-line course on Palestinian art and an artists’ residency program. Borusan Center for Culture and Arts, Istanbul On-line archive of past exhibitions at the now closed gallery. The British Museum/ The Department of the Middle East, London Covers the ancient and contemporary civilizations and cultures of the Middle East from the Neolithic period until the present. Holds an extensive collection of contemporary Islamic/Middle Eastern art. Brunei Gallery/SOAS, University of London Hosts and organizes exhibitions that reflect subjects and regions studied at the School of Oriental and African Studies including contemporary art exhibitions. Cairo Art Index On-line interviews with selected Egyptian artists. Center for Iranian Modern Arts, New York Network and forum for Iranian American artists. Organizes exhibitions, lectures, seminars on Iranian art and maintains a registry of Iranian American artists. The Contemporary Image Collective (CIC), Cairo A collective of artists and professional photographers focusing on the visual image and the development of contemporary visual arts and culture in Egypt. Organizes exhibitions, photography courses, film screenings, performances, lectures and workshops. Studio residency program open to local, regional and international artists and researchers. Darat al-Funun, Amman A project of the Khalid Shoman Foundation, Darat al-Funun organizes exhibitions for artists of Jordan and the Arab world. Features selections from Khalid Shoman Private Collection of Arab art, offers a diverse cultural program, an artist residency, publishes on Arab art, and maintains an art library and archive for Arab artists. Dar Annadwa/International Center of Bethlehem Organizes exhibitions, cultural programs, artists’ residency and academic program in arts and crafts. The Dogançay Museum, Istanbul Museum dedicated to its founder Burhan Dogançay Turkey’s foremost contemporary artist and the artist’s father, Adil Dogançay. Elgiz Museum of Contemporary Art, Istanbul. Evolving Perceptions, Washington, D.C. Promotes and exhibits Iranian art and artists of diverse cultural backgrounds. In Focus E-journal for the exhibition In-Focus that traveled in the UK 2007. Iniva, London A contemporary visual arts organization which creates exhibitions, publications, multimedia, and education and research projects designed to bring the work of artists from culturally diverse backgrounds to the attention of the widest possible public. Extensive on-line resource on international artist. The International Academy of Art Palestine, Ramallah Four year institution granting Bachelor of Arts degree in Contemporary Visual Art. Organizes art exhibitions and conferences and a visiting lecturer’s program. http://www.artacademy International Association of Art Critics, Turkey International Network for Contemporary Iraqi Artists (Incia) On-line resource and data base on Iraqi artists. A network for Iraqi artists and an advocacy group that organizes exhibitions on Iraqi art. Iranian Academy of the Arts, Tehran Iranian Art Foundation, New York Organizes exhibitions for its collection as well as film festivals and cultural events at American art museums. The Iran Heritage Foundation, London Organizes cultural programs, provides grants for research in arts and culture. Iran Chamber Society On-line resource on Iran’s history, visual art and culture, includes articles and biographies on Iranian artists. Iraqi Art (Arabic) On-line resource on Iraq’s culture and visual arts includes critical essays and news on current art events. Istanbul Biennial Lebanon American University/The Fine Arts Program Program with description of courses. Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) Features information on the new acquisitions of contemporary art of the Middle East within the context of their Islamic collection. Jerusalem Fund Gallery. Washington, D.C. The Jerusalem Fund’s cultural program promotes the work of artists from Palestine, the Arab and Islamic worlds through art exhibits, book signings, film screenings and musical performances. Web site features lesson plans for students of all ages on Islamic art. Al-Jisser for Arab Art and Culture, New York Organizes visual art exhibitions, films and other cultural programs on Arab art. Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts, Amman Holds extensive collection of art from the Islamic world. Hosts international exhibitions and cultural programs. Khalil Sakakini Cultural Center, Ramallah Organizes exhibitions, cultural programs and outreach art education for children and youth. L’appartement 22 , Rabat Organizes exhibitions and artists’ residencies. On-line resource dedicated to the visual arts in Lebanon. Includes interviews with artists, articles, a forum, a collaborative virtual projects and a calendar of visual art events. Al Mahatta Gallery, Ramallah Artists’ collective web site features exhibitions and artist’s profiles. MAKAN, Amman Provides a dynamic space for expression and interaction amongst young emerging artists in Jordan offering them opportunities to network and exchange ideas may supported by Makan in the form of exhibitions, performances and other visual expressions in and outside of Makan. Offers residency program. Al Ma’mal Foundation, Jerusalem Organizes exhibitions, educational programs and artists’ residencies. Masarat On-line portal for the 2008 Palestinian festival for art and culture in Belgium. Announcement and information on visual art exhibitions and other programs. The Metropolitan Museum of Art/Timeline of Art History A chronological, geographical, and thematic exploration of the history of art from around the world, extending from prehistory to the present day. Includes a unique resource on the region’s modern and contemporary visual art; featuring a historical overview and a timeline of political and art related events from 1900 to the present. Seven thematic essays highlight sixty five artists from the region with images of art works, information on each artist and a bibliography. Muslim Women in the Arts (MWIA) Organizes group art exhibitions in the US and Canada. NOMAD, Istanbul Organizes local and international exhibitions, art projects, workshops and conferences. Palestinian Art Court, Al-Hoash, Jerusalem Organizes exhibitions, art educational programs for children and adults, film screenings, and publishes books on Palestinian art. Al Qattan Foundation Culture and Arts Program, Ramallah Organizes and sponsors art exhibitions and programs throughout Palestine as well as at their gallery in Ramnallah. Sponsors the Young Artists Award for emerging artists. Offers artists residencies for international artists. Publishes books on Palestinian art and culture. See web site for their audio-visual program. The Palestine Gallery, London Gallery scheduled to open in fall 2008 dedicated to Palestinian visual arts and culture. (Web site under construction) Pera Museum, Istanbul Private museum that houses permanent collections of the Suna and İnan Kıraç Foundation. Includes Orientalist art and changing exhibitions of international and local contemporary art. Platform Garanti Contemporary Art Center Platform, Istanbul Acts as a dynamic catalyst for the dissemination, research and practice of contemporary art in the city, and also provides a meeting point for exchange between contemporary artists, curators and critics. The Center organizes exhibitions, local, regional and international conferences, houses an art library, archive and a residency program. RAMI – International Encounters on Arts and Multimedia A cooperative that began in 2001 between SHAMS-Beirut, ZINC/ECM-Marseilles, l’ATELIER of Alexandria and ASTAR-Milan. The web site is a record of past collaborations in different cities in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. Sabancı University’s Sakıp Sabancı Museum, Istanbul Santralistanbul, Istanbul Contemporary Art Musuem. Sharjah Biennial Sudan Artists e-Gallery On-line archive for contemporary Sudanese art by Sudanese artists and others whose work is related to Sudan. Townhouse, Cairo Organizes exhibitions for Arab and international artists in visual and performative art. Maintains a library and offers residencies and educational programs. ULISphotoFEST 2007 Istanbul web site Universe-in-Universe Extensive resource on visual arts from Africa, the Americas and Asia (includes Arab world, Iran and Turkey). Includesart directories, index of artists, and e-magazine Nafas dedicated to visual arts from Islamic influenced countries and regions, including the Diaspora. Um el Fahim Art Gallery, Um el Fahim, Palestine Organizes exhibitions and educational programs. Virtual Museum – Arts of the Islamic Worlds An interactive, image-based site dedicated to Islamic art, aside from digital images with didactic information the site offers pod casts, and audio casts by leading experts, documentary films and relevant scholarly materials. Visual Arts in Tunisia (VAT) On-line resource on artists, exhibitions and conferences on Tunisian contemporary art. (Lebanon) E-newsletter on Lebanese art and literature includes full length articles on art and culture. The world’s Women On-Line Maintains a section on art by women from the region. The Young Arab Theatre Fund (YATF) An international organization designed to serve independent young Arab artists living in the region and working in a variety of media. Organizes visual art programs. Zenith, London Dedicated to contemporary Arab arts. Organizes visual art exhibitions, conferences and film series. Zico House, Beirut Organizes exhibitions and cultural programs. Ziyarat Informal platform for cultural gatherings artists, producers, journalists, curators, academics and others for the generation of collaborative projects related to the Arab world including visual art. ArchivesThis section provides a collection of links to archives with significant focus on the Arab world, Iran and Turkey. (Return to Top) “Archive Map” research project at Born out of the “Speak, Memory” symposium on archives and other strategies of (re) activation of cultural memory that took place at the Townhouse Gallery in Cairo on October 28-30, 2010, this sponsored “Archive Map” project guides researches to archival collections and other resources that contain material relevant to modern and contemporary art history in Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq.ArchNet Online community for Islamic architecture. Features a virtual library of books, journals, reference tools, as well as thousands of images of architecture in the Islamic world. Center for Documentation of Cultural and Natural Heritage, (CULTNAT) Affiliated with Bibliotheca Alexandrina, the Center’s mandate is to document the various aspects of Egypt’s tangible and intangible cultural heritage as well as its natural heritage. The Documentation Center of the Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture at the Fine Arts Library, Harvard University The Fine Arts Library’s visual collections of photographs and slides documenting Islamic art and architecture, as well as ethnographic views that provide cultural context. The Islamic Art Network A Photo Archive consisting of a searchable database of contemporary photographs of Islamic buildings. The complete collection of the Bulletins of the Comité de Conservation des Monuments de l’Art Arabe in French and Arabic. The Bulletins are a standard resource for the study of the Islamic architecture of Cairo as they describe the restoration work on all its Islamic monuments between 1882 – 1953, a virtual exhibition Creswell’s Cairo: Then and Now, books and articles on-line. A project of the Thesaurus Islamicus Foundation University of Chicago Middle East Photographic Archive and the archive of Center for Ancient Middle Eastern Landscapes (CAMEL) Images pertaining to both the ancient and modern Middle East. ARAMCO One of the world’s largest photographic archives specializing in images of the Middle East and the Islamic world. Most of the images here are from the bimonthly magazine Aramco World, 1964-2000 and its successor, Saudi Aramco World, to the present. A List of Historical photographs and illustrations from the Middle East A useful list of historical photographs and illustrations from Lebanon and the Levant. International Organizations and DirectoriesIn this category are links to entities that occasionally cover the region’s art and directories that include selected artists from the region. (Return to Top) Art in context Association of Art Historians Association for Cultural Studies (ACS) College Art Association A database and information source on international artists. Groves Art Online Historians of Islamic Art Association International Association of Art Critics International Association of Word and Image Studies / Association Internationale pour l’Etude des Rapports entre Texte et Image (IAWIS/AIERTI) Seeks to foster the study of Word and Image relations in a general cultural context and especially in the arts in the broadest sense. International contemporary art listings and artists’ directory. world wide art resource Related Cultural Institutions, Venues, and FoundationsThis section provides links to institutions, foundations, festivals, and other entities promoting culture in the Arab world, Iran, and Turkey. (Return to Top) Abu Dhabi Authority for Culture and Heritage (ADACH) Algerian Art Assila Art Festival, Assila, Morocco Documents the annual programs of the Festival. Arab World and Islamic Resources (AWAIR) Publishes educational material on the Arab world and Islam for schools and conducts Teacher Professional Development Programs on the subject. SAUDI ARAMCO World Saudi Aramco, the oil company born as an international enterprise 75 years ago, distributes Saudi Aramco World to increase cross-cultural understanding. The bimonthly magazine’s goal is to broaden knowledge of the cultures, history and geography of the Arab and Muslim worlds and their connections with the West. Saudi Aramco World is distributed without charge, upon request, to interested readers worldwide. The leading independent website on Mediterranean issues. It is free, totally independent and put together by a multicultural network of journalists from the whole Mediterranean. E-journal covers visual art and film. The Khatt Foundation, Center for Arabic Typography A non-profit organization that aims to encourage new design developments and improve (typo) graphic communication in the Arab World and provide a network for designers, extensive web site with reviews, calendars and events related to visual arts. Casa Árabe and Its International Institute of Arab and Muslim World Studies, Madrid, Spain Casa Árabe and its International Institute of Arab and Muslim World Studies has two venues, in Madrid and Cordoba, and is a consortium established in 2006. Aims to become a reference in the study and knowledge of the reality and the history of the region. Programs include visual culture, art and film. Culture Resource (Al Mawred Al Thaqafy) A regional, non-profit organization that seeks to support artistic creativity in the Arab region and to encourage cultural exchanges within this region and with the developing world. Heinrich Böll Foundation The Foundation’s Middle East Office supports and organizes workshops, conferences, awareness campaigns and exchange programs related to our main program areas Statehood and Participation , Power and Identity , War and Peace and Sustainable Development . Supports other activities initiated by regional organizations including visual art, film. ifa – The Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen- Dialogue with the Islamic world The International Museum of Muslim Cultures Dedicated to educating the public about Islamic History and Culture. Jackson, Mississippi. Museum With No Frontiers (MWNF) An organization whose ground-breaking and visionary program aims to establish a vast trans-national museum that presents works of art, architecture and archaeology in the context in which they were created. Islamic Arts and Architecture (IAAO) Provides information and links on Islamic arts and architecture, includes a good introductory bibliography on different forms of Islamic art. Levantine Center, LA Organizes programs on the cultures of the Middle East, North Africa and Mediterranean. Maghreb Center, Washington DC Organizes Maghreb-related conferences, seminars, lectures, round-tables, and offers a series of publicly available publications. Open Society Institute & the Soros Foundations Networks/Middle East & North Africa Initiative Acts as the primary contact point and clearinghouse for OSI activity in the region. In addition to their main mission, MENA supports a number of scholarships in law and other disciplines such as culture and the arts, as a means of fostering freedom of expression and critical thinking. Pro Helvetia – Swiss Arts Council, Cairo Acts as a funding body, advisor and coordinator of cultural (exchange) projects in the region and Switzerland. Web site features projects from the region and in Cairo. Sharjah Museums On-line information on museums in Sharjah. Saving Antiquities for Everyone (SAFE) A non-profit organization dedicated to preserving cultural heritage worldwide. SAFE’s mission is to raise public awareness about the irreversible damage that results from looting, smuggling and trading illicit antiquities. While the impetus to found SAFE was the ransacking of the National Museum of Iraq in Baghdad, our efforts are global. SAFE has no political affiliations. Activities include advocacy, education, conferences and the Candlelight Vigil to commemorate the looting of the Iraq Museum in an effort to shed light on the vulnerability of our shared cultural heritage. Turkish Cultural Foundation Middle Eastern and Related Fields of StudyThis section contains an international listing of foundations and institutions with programs or courses of study related to the region. (Return to top) The Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (AKPIA) Of Interest- Lecture series- open to public Aga Khan University Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilizations (AKU-ISMC) The American Institute of Iranian Studies The American Institute for Maghrib Studies (AIMS) American Institute for Yemeni Studies Arab American Studies, University of Michigan- Dearborn British Institute of Persian Studies The British Society for Middle Eastern Studies The Center for Arab and Islamic Studies Center for Arab & Islamic Studies (The Middle East and Central Asia), the Australian National University, Canberra. Center for Iranian Studies, Columbia University The Center for Middle Eastern Studies (CMES), Indiana University of Pennsylvania Center for Middle Eastern Studies, UC Berkeley, California Centre for Research on the Arab World (CERAW) at the University of Mainz, Germany. An interdisciplinary research network that deals with various aspects of film production in the Middle East and the depiction of the reality of life in this region as seen in national, American, European and Indian films. Columbia University – Middle East Studies European Association for Middle Eastern Studies, EURAMES Organizes the European network of Middle Eastern Studies, an academic exchange or information concerning research on the Middle East. Eurames runs the Eurames Info Service via email, and hosts thematic working groups and links to European and other centers and university departments working on the Middle East. European University/ Robert Shuman Centre for Advanced Study/Mediterranean Program. The Foundation for Iranian Studies The Institute for Palestine Studies L’Institut de recherche sur le Maghreb contemporain (IRMC) Institute of Turkish Studies, International Society for Iranian Studies (ISIS) The Iran Society Iranian women Studies Foundation Istanbul Modern Features the museums permanent and changing exhibitions of modern and contemporary art of Turkey. The London Middle East Institute (LMEI) Draws upon the resources of London and SOAS to provide teaching, training, research, publication, consultancy, outreach and other services related to the Middle East. Middle Eastern Americans Resources online (MEARO) First interactive resource database on Middle Eastern Americans. A joint project of the UCLA Middle Eastern American Program based at the Center for Near Eastern Studies and the Middle East and Middle Eastern American Center at the Graduate Center, City University of New York (CUNY). The Middle East Institute, Columbia University Middle East Libraries Committee Lists of bibliographies on the Middle East The Middle East Studies Association (MESA) Al Mashriq An electronic resource on the Middle East, from Østfold College, Halden, Norway NITLE A community-based, non-profit initiative dedicated to helping undergraduate-centered colleges, universities, and educational organizations use technology effectively to strengthen undergraduate education. A resource section on Islam and Arab culture. The Oriental Institute of Chicago Oxford Islamic Studies Online Offers an online resource for students, scholars, government officials, community groups, and librarians. An authoritative, dynamic online resource for students, scholars, government officials, community groups, and librarians, Oxford Islamic Studies Online brings together the best current scholarship in the field and promotes accurate and informed understanding of the Islamic world. This fully integrated resource features reference content and commentary by renowned scholars in the field. Editor in Chief, John L. Esposito. Log in subscription required. Palestinian American Research Council, Washington, D.C. and Ramallah, Palestine. School of Oriental and African Studies/ Department of Near East and Middle East (SOAS) Society for Libyan Studies Sudan Studies Association e-Newsletter Syrian Studies Association Turkish Studies Association Turkish Studies Program/Indiana University Library at the Center for Middle Eastern Studies Links to other sources on the region can be found on the Middle East virtual Library at the Center for Middle Eastern Studies, University of Texas, Austin |