Bylaws | AMCA | Association for Modern + Contemporary Art of the Arab World, Iran + Turkey


Constitution and By-laws of
AMCA: Association for Modern and Contemporary Art of the Arab world, Iran, and Turkey

 Article I. Name

The name of this organization shall be AMCA: Association for Modern and Contemporary Art of the Arab world, Iran, and Turkey, hereafter AMCA.

 Article II. Objectives

AMCA shall be a private, non-profit, non-political, international organization of scholars and other persons interested in the study of modern and contemporary art of the Arab world, Iran, and Turkey. The objectives of the association shall be to advance the study and representation of art from the specified countries. To do so, the organization shall:

  1. Facilitate communication among its members through meetings and other exchanges of information (e.g. a newsletter and/or website);
  2. Promote cooperation among its members and persons or organizations concerned with modern and contemporary art of the Arab world, Iran, and Turkey.

Article III. Membership

  1. Membership categories: There shall be three categories of membership in AMCA: regular, student, and institutional.
    1. Regular membership shall open to all individuals interested in the study of modern and contemporary art of the Arab world, Iran, and Turkey.
    2. Student membership shall be limited to students who are registered in bona fide academic programs in fields associated with the study of modern and contemporary art of the Arab world, Iran, and Turkey.
    3. Institutional membership shall be open to all organized educational or scholarly groups (e.g. museums, libraries, institutions of secondary or higher education or departments thereof, foundations and the like) that share AMCA’s interests.
  2. Membership benefits: A member in good standing will have one vote in the election of non appointive officers and in the transactions of the Association, and shall be eligible for elective or appointive office in the Association, subject to the regulations in this constitution and by-laws. A member shall receive all notifications and publications related to the Association.
  3. Dues: Members may be required to pay membership fees and dues in amounts determined by the Officers of the Board of Directors. Unpaid dues will result in the cessation of all membership benefits until such a time when dues are remitted and member is in good standing.
  4. Other categories: The Officers of the Board of Directors may establish other categories of membership as necessary. Applicants satisfying the specified condition of membership in AMCA will be admitted to membership upon payment of the annual dues, or by action of the Board of Directors.

Article IV. Meetings

  1. Annual business meeting: AMCA shall hold an annual meeting in conjunction with the annual meeting of the Middle East Studies Association (MESA). This meeting shall consist of a business session and a planned program of presentations and discussions. The agenda of the meeting shall be planned by the Officers of the Board of Directors.
  2. Special meetings: Meetings (e.g., colloquia, congresses, panels, special meetings) of the members of AMCA maybe be convened at any time by the Secretary of AMCA upon the request of the Board of Directors.
  3. Notice of meetings: Notice of each meeting shall be served to each member. Such notice shall state the purpose or purposes for which the meeting is called and the time and place it is to be held.
  4. Quorum: At all meetings of AMCA held in conjunction with the annual meeting of MESA the attending members shall be deemed to constitute a quorum. Where these Articles require a favorable vote of the majority of AMCA members for an action, including but not limited to an Amendment of the Articles and election of Officers, a favorable vote of the majority of those responding to a ballot (including ballots sent and responded to electronically) shall constitute a majority.
  5. Voting eligibility: Only members in good standing shall be eligible to vote, to be officers, and to serve on the Board of Directors.

Article V. Board of Directors

  1. General duties: The property and affairs of AMCA shall be managed by the Officers of the Board of Directors.
  2. Books, records, and accounts: The Officers of AMCA shall keep records of all AMCA accounts, business, and matters considered and transacted during their incumbency, and shall transmit those records promptly to their successor officers.
  3. Specific duties: The Officers of the Board of Directors shall serve to coordinate all the participation of AMCA in annual meetings of other professional organizations such as CAA, MESA, and conferences outside the U.S., and will present to the annual business meeting a tentative schedule of such participation. The Officers of the Board of Directors shall also have responsibility for ensuring the compliance of AMCA with all applicable federal, state, and local tax laws and regulations that may affect it.
  4. Annual meeting: The annual meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held as soon as is practicable following the annual meeting of the members. Such annual meetings of the Board shall be general meetings and open for the transaction of any business within the powers of the Board.
  5. Special meetings: Special meetings of the Board may be called upon by the Secretary upon the request of the President or any three Board members.
  6. Notice of meetings: Notice of every annual meeting and special meeting of the Board of Directors shall be served upon each Board member not less than 10 days before the meeting. Such notices shall state the purpose(s) for which such a meeting is called and the time and place it is to be held.
  7. Quorum: At all meetings the presence, in person or by telephone or other electronic means, of 3 Officers of the Board shall be necessary and sufficient to constitute a quorum.
  8. Number of board members: The Founding Board of Directors shall consist of the 7 individuals who have signed the Articles below. The Founding Board of Directors shall determine who among them shall serve as each of the Officers (President, Secretary, Treasurer, and President-Elect) for the interim. Hereafter, the Board of Directors shall consist of 7 persons: President, immediate Past- President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and two elected members.
  9. Honorary Advisors: At any time, the Board of Directors can nominate, by a majority vote, honorary advisors to the Association. These advisors shall hold no voting power in the Board, but rather shall serve as advisors to the Board when deemed necessary. All seven members of the founding Board of Directors shall serve as honorary advisors.

Article VI. Officers

  1. Number of Officers: President, Secretary, Treasurer, and President-Elect are active Board members, known as officers. One person may not hold more than position on the board at the same time.
  2. Election of Officers:
    1. The President-Elect shall be nominated at the annual business meeting. When more than one candidate is nominated for office, the election shall be by secret ballot from the membership ballot. In the event of a tie during a Presidential election, then the Board in conjunction with the candidates will decide if it is more appropriate for the candidates to serve one split term (each one year) or to serve back to back (two years) terms.
    2. The Members at Large shall be nominated at the annual business meeting. In the event of a tie, both candidates will be asked to serve with the number of voting board members being increased by one.
    3. The Secretary and Treasurer shall be appointed by majority vote by the Board of Directors.
    4. Newly elected officers shall be announced and take office at the close of the annual business meeting.
  3. Length of term: Each person elected to an office shall serve a two year term in his/her designated position. In the event of premature vacancy, the Officers shall nominate by a majority vote a member to fill the position for the remainder of the term. In the case that next-term elections have taken place, the position-elect shall assume the office for the remainder of the term.

Article VII. Responsibilities of Officers

  1. President:
    1. Serve as one of the Board members for 2 years as President-Elect, followed by 2 years as
    2. President, followed by 2 years as Past President.
    3. Manage the affairs and property of the Association.
    4. Coordinate all standing committees of the Association.
    5. Serve on all committees ex officio.
    6. Plan agenda for annual meeting, in consultation with the Board.
    7. Convene and plan agenda of Board meeting held during annual meeting.
    8. With Board, make interim appointments to fill vacancies in office until elections are held.
    9. Work with Secretary and Treasurer to facilitate membership promotion.
    10. Raise funds.
    11. Submit to the Board of Directors annual budget, prepared in conjunction with Treasurer.
  2. Secretary
    1. Attend annual meeting and provide report of meeting proceedings.
    2. Maintain membership list: Send out renewal notices and reminder notices; Keep master membership list on computer; make address changes and update list.
    3. Prepare and handle all voting ballots.
    4. Plan and carry out all promotionals.
    5. Handle routine correspondence.
    6. Provide notes from annual meeting to board members.
  3. Treasurer
    1. Manage all finances of organization.
    2. Prepare bi-annual Directory of Members.
    3. Submit to the Board of Directors annual budget.
  4. President-Elect
    1. Represent the organization when the President is unavailable.
    2. Serve as President in the Eventuality that the President does not complete his/her term of office and succeed the President at the end of his/her term.
    3. Attend Board meetings and participate in Board decisions.
  5. Members at Large
    1. Attend Board Meetings
    2. Participate in Board decisions when Officers are unable to reach a decision.
    3. Assist the President with outreach activities, membership recruitment, and fund-raising.
  6. Past President
    1. Serve for two terms following his/her term in office, as a voting member on the Board.
    2. Following his/her term as Past President, the member will become an Honorary Board member of the Board. As such, the member may attend Board meetings, provide input and advice to the Board, but will not be a voting member of the said Board.

Article IIX. Committees
The President with the approval of the Officers may appoint from time to time such committees (newsletter, nominations, grants, international representation, etc.) as may be desirable in forwarding the program of AMCA. Each of such committees shall exercise such powers and perform such activities as may be prescribed by the President. Members of such committees need not be members of the Board of Directors if the committee in question is not vested with a power or duty normally considered a primary power or duty of the Officers, and committee membership shall be open to all categories of members in AMCA when this is deemed appropriate and desirable by the Board of Directors. The membership of each committee, their term of office, and their reporting procedures including financial statements shall be determined by the Officers.
Article IX. Amendment of the Articles of Association
At any time by a majority vote of members (by ballot or in person), these Articles of Association may be altered, amended, or repealed by a majority of votes cast. Proposals for such alterations, amendments, and/or repeals shall be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors, prior to the annual meeting, for voting at the said meeting. Such alterations, amendments, and/or repeals shall become effective immediately.